Xieng khouang tourism


Xieng khouang tourism

Xieng khouang tourism, Xiengkhoung with Eight district, Paek district, khoun district, phaxay district, phoukoud district, kham disrtict, nonghet district and mok mai district. approximatly 15,000 sp km.

Tham pha and Nong tang lake

Xieng khoung tourism

48 km west of phonsavan route No.7 flow the roate to Phu khoun juntion. Tham pha well known house of hundren of budha image in side with big budha statue in side tham pha, Nong tag known as story lake back suround by linestone karst.

Phou keng quarry site

Phou keng Xiengkhoung tourism

8 km west of plain of jars site one, phou keng known as jar quarry site of Xieng khouang toursim, still remain huge stone rock shape broken jars remain. Durring 1964-1973 phou keng was Vitkhong tunnel hiding and used as Lao army base in plain of jars erea.

Plain of jars site 1,2 and 3

Plain of jar tourism

8 km south of phonsavan by road D 1 to Paksan, Most people known as plain of jars site 1 is the most interesting jars site you will observe the biggest jars and huge stone jars with fantastic cave.
25 km south by road D 1 to paksan and turn right by new road to plain of jars site 2 and site 3. site 2 have a nice short trek to 2 hill site of forest mountain with carve stone disc. trek from stie 2 to site 3, on trail was saft with UXO clear as path. on the way you will see and ob serve the most interesting view and villager soround with greeen grass mountain and buffalo.

Ban na phia

Ban na phia xiengkhouang

36 km south of phonsavan by road plain of jars site 2,3. this village will known as Tai phuan, making handicraft and fantastic spoon making from bomb scret matel remain from the vietnam war.

Xiengkhouang capital city

Muang khoun

36 km south by road D1 to paksan, Ancient Tai phuan kingdom and trade centre during 14 century of Lanxang kingdom and become budhist art and architecture. and was heavly bomb during vietnam war most building are destry remain a few thing left That foun stupa, That chonphet, frech hospital and wat phia wat.

Tai dam cultural hall

Local handcraft of Xiengkhouang

48 km east flow road No 7 to kham distict, Ban xiengkoi known as culture hall and weaving, square pillow and basket making.

Piu cave

Tham piew cave Xieng khouang

55 km east juntion kham district by road No 6 to huanphan province, pie cave is monument innocent hundren of peopleo who was died in this cave during vietnam war 1964-1973.

Hot spring

Hot spring Xiengkhouang

70 km east of phonsavan by road D 7, to vietnam this hot spring well known as natural water, this is the best  place for tourist who can take abath and see the source of water.

Kha waterfall

Xieng khouang toursim

91 km east of phonsavan by road no 7, to vietnam this waterfall is the best for sightseeing.

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Customer Reviews

Plain of jars share group tour

September 6, 2024

Eric responded to my queries quickly with the help of a Get Your Guide intermediary, and gave me the confidence that the trip would be conducted at the given price, despite there being just two of us. This allowed me to book plane tickets to Phonsavan knowing we be able to see the Plain of Jars despite it being low season and rainy. Of course this still didn’t prepare us for the rains the night before which flooded the path to Site 3, making me get my shoes wet, but traipsing through padi fields barefoot was an experience in itself! Site 1 and 2 were perfectly fine and grassy, so little mud there. Alas the spoon village wasn’t doing any smelting that Sunday, but we still had an enjoyable visit viewing the workshop. Eric was patient and unhurried throughout, and threw in a bonus visit to the large Buddha since there was time… the view was great


6 hours journey luang prabang to plain of jars

June 13, 2023

excellent service high recommend, i have search google luang prbng to plain of jars, showing tour by group on first page check through live chat with Eric, he very nice give me lot of information about this trip final i decide to book with him. driver friendly showing me many spot taking picture on the way. day 2 guide and driver pick up 8am. I have very good experience learning history from guide.


Excellent driver Vientiane to vang vieng

May 26, 2023

Thanks for Eric arrange me excellent driver to pick up me at the airport to my hotel vang vieng. this trip is my first time visiting Laos it’s so exciting high recommend his service


Excellent driver from my hotel to railway station

May 22, 2023

Experience of an excellent driver pick up me to lao china railway station, Keng arrived on time a friendly driver can speak english not much but nice talk, he said he like his job very much. if you are traveling to Vientiane recommend you book a taxi service with tours by group


Cheaper than travel agent offer me cost

May 22, 2023

Thanks for helping arrange 2 ticket for my husband and me to travel luang prabang to Vientiane, great service hope to use your service again

Jonh thomson