Ban Naphia

Ban Naphia over 40 families farming rice over hundren of year through several centuray grand parents ago, their didn’t know how to making spoon, after Vietnam war Laos was heavily bomb by USA. Many family still collect lot of piece aluminum from bomb to melting spoon, each family can make over 800 spoon sending to sell on phonsavan market, main income for family who have no job.

Ban naphia

What are they do for living at Ba naphia?

Mainly farming season rice and raising animal, buffalo, cow for meat and selling out when their need money using in family. since 2007. each family have their own small garden season growing vegetable, onion, garlic, chili near by.

Ban naphia spoon village

How family transport from Ban naphia to Phonsavan?

Since 2007 concrete road reach to village, village using tok tok as local taxi transport wood, rice, during farming season to family. mainly each family have their own Chinese motorcycle cost not over $400 quality suitable for local and concrete road.

Ban naphia spoon village

Do villager have hospital?

Since 2005 ago. Laos government try to reach all villager remote area to support each village with few people train in provincial hospital to experience of season disease to supply medicine. each village with clean water drinking, electric city, first aid kit and school.
